
I just got home from a big work meeting at 2:43 am. From day to day my position changes on whether or not I should be running hard at this. It sure is an exciting place to work, and the opportunity is one in a hundred million, but I just don't know how to take care of a family and this work thing. I guess it's time to learn. Sometimes it seems like it would be easier to get a job and just turn off the work part of my mind when I leave work.

But, I never made a living wage before this and that wasn't easy either. Life is pretty complicated. We sure have a lot to be thankful for. Now I just have to learn to transfer that thankfulness to good stewardship of the different areas of my life.

I got this audio bible read by black hollywood actors for Christmas, and I really like it, besides finding humor in the premise. James Brown makes a pretty good John the Baptist.


Rhyme time

Yesterday Ruby said "I pooped, I dooped."

This rhyming is out of control. I mean I think it's hilarious that Ruby knows what a Palamino horse is.

It's way more hilarious though, that she called it a peno-beno-ceno-weno horse.


Things you've always wanted to do but you knew better

This one definitely makes the list.

Last week at the mall, we were at the calendar store kiosk and Lucy threw a Garfield calendar off the balcony and it landed in the foliage of a tree below. Today I'm going to check if it's still there.

Seems like the "what if I do this" impulse consistently overpowers the "this is wildly inappropriate" inhibition.

Ruby's hilarious thing of the day is waking up at 5:00AM howling "I need mac n cheese!"
