
I just got home from a big work meeting at 2:43 am. From day to day my position changes on whether or not I should be running hard at this. It sure is an exciting place to work, and the opportunity is one in a hundred million, but I just don't know how to take care of a family and this work thing. I guess it's time to learn. Sometimes it seems like it would be easier to get a job and just turn off the work part of my mind when I leave work.

But, I never made a living wage before this and that wasn't easy either. Life is pretty complicated. We sure have a lot to be thankful for. Now I just have to learn to transfer that thankfulness to good stewardship of the different areas of my life.

I got this audio bible read by black hollywood actors for Christmas, and I really like it, besides finding humor in the premise. James Brown makes a pretty good John the Baptist.


2 Response to "2:43am"

  1. kstoo Says:

    hey, more rhymes and cheezits! This is the 3rd time that I have checked back here and ... nothing new. I enjoy your posts and miss hearing more. please? not so busy?

  2. Anonymous Says:

    In the words of the great Adam O'Hare, "How's your hammer hangin'?" It's been a while... give us some blog! :)