so--here at the stonesifer house we have a moderately sized R2D2 cookie jar that we use as our change bucket. meaning--that's where all our loose change goes. when we empty out our pockets at night we put all the change in R2. of course--that meant something a little different here when shawn was waiting tables. he worked at a couple different restaurants over the span of--i dont know--2 1/2 years? anyway--that means that he was bringing home a lot of change. a lot. so R2 is still full to the brim of change from when shawn was waiting tables a few years ago. even though i pay with change everytime i go through the drive thru to get the girls a quick lunch or to get myself a tasty coffee treat, R2 is still completely full of change!
the most annoying thing about R2D2 is really where we keep him in our house. there is actually no good place to keep a large plastic R2D2 cookie jar that is full of change. i dont want the girls to get to it, but i need to be able to get to it, but it is not really a nick-nack that i want to display. so R2's current home is the top shelf in our bedroom. this shelf is just above my head and for some reason it is packed with magazines. i dont know why we keep magazines and i dont know why we keep them on the top shelf. R2 acts as a bookend on this magazine shelf and keeps the magazines from flopping down and falling all over the floor. so--the problem here is that if i ever have to actually take R2 down from the shelf the magazines flop all over the floor. so--i dont usually take him down, i just reach up there and try to fish out a '2 happy meal sized' wad of change.
that usually works okay, but a couple of weeks ago, i had to drive to the suburbs for an appointment and shawn was already in the suburbs for work. he had our one and only ipass. so i thought--that's okay, i'll just take R2. so--i grabbed R2 off of the shelf and immediately all of the magazines flopped off on to the floor. i was annoyed, but i didn't have time to take care of the magazines because i was running late. so i ran to the car with R2 and drove to rolling meadows. it was annoying to pay with change the whole way there, but not really that big of a deal, i guess. here's where it gets really annoying: part way home from rolling meadows i had to stop pretty quickly and R2 went flying. FLYING. there was change everywhere. when i got home, i was still so annoyed that i didn't even clean it up. in fact--here it is 2 weeks later and i STILL haven't cleaned it all up. i think deep down i was hoping that a druggie or a punk junior high kid would steal it so that i wouldn't have to pick up all that change or put R2 back on his shelf. oh well. here i am--off to pick up all the change out of the front seat of my car, load up R2D2 and put him back in his place on the magazine shelf.
November 14, 2007 at 11:33 PM
I have to say that that is amazing(horrible, but amazing). Zach and I are saving all of our change in a big glass jar and every couple of months we take it in an put it in a savings account for our wedding. The first time that we took it in we had over $50 and we put it in a bag. On the way to the bank it opened and the change was EVERYWHERE. So we ended up sitting in a parking lot on W. State St. cleaning change out of my car.
Then the banks change counter was broken.