'sup macaroni?

There's a new guy at work who is doing very well named Mark Moroni.

Say it a few times fast, I think it's kind of funny.
I really want to say things like "sup macaroni" when I see him, but I'm not sure if he has a sense of humor about it, as I don't know him well.

It is my opinion that if you are able to laugh at yourself, that entitles you to make light of things about somebody else, like a name that sounds like macaroni. Not maliciously, just in fun, because I really like the guy, and it's not like it dominates his identity, there's just that one funny thing.

Mark, if you should ever in your lifetime google your own name and find my blog, know that from the start, I think fairly highly of you and I hope you make a million dollars at Energy Savings. I'm not making fun, just mild amusement.

1 Response to "'sup macaroni?"

  1. valandshawn Says:

    I just googled Mark Moroni, and since Moroni happens to be a book of the Book of Mormon, that really dilutes his googling, and he will surely never discover this blog.