I just had my first experience eating pine nuts, and I must say that it's the perfect combination experience between eating sunflower seeds and eating a tree. For whatever reason, I was kind of okay with it. I'm not saying you should definitely try it, but if you're like, hey, let's eat something wierd, pine nuts would offer the right excitement level while still being a better choice than, say, a pine tree.
I hear Ruby loves them too.
So--on our way home from church yesterday, Ruby got really worked up. She said, "Mommy! God forgot to teach us about the peaches!!" I'm not exactly sure what she meant by that.
And Lucy has been making up funny poems while she plays pretend. This morning she was pretending to be an elephant, stomping around and such, and she said,
"Elephants eat whatever they find!
Elephants look in the cabinet, behind!"
We just got our first boxes of fruits and veggies yesterday! I am so excited. Lucy and Ruby are really excited about the fruits--when we picked them up they immediately pulled out a peach and a pluot (which apparently is a cross between a plum and an apricot) and ate them right there.
We got some normal stuff--grapes, peaches, broccoli, spinach, scallions...
And some not so normal stuff--swiss chard, choi, radishes (which are normal, but I don't like them, so I still need to find some recipe that I can use them in that isn't too radish-y) and garlic scapes (which I didn't know about, but I won't have any trouble putting these to use).
It's so exciting! Today I made mac & cheese with swiss chard for lunch, and creamy choi soup for supper--which were both really good and not weird at all! Tomorrow I'm planning on making a spinach and garlic scape frittata. It's really exciting to be handed vegetables and to be told--"Here! Do something with this!"
It's also really helpful that the farm sent us a cookbook. =)
love, val

So--I've got tons to blog about! I just don't have much time to do it! =) I guess I'll start with gymnastics. It's going so well! Lucy has had 2 classes now, and she's having fun, she's getting along with the other kids, and she's doing what the teacher asks her to do! It has just been so amazing to watch her in class. (She's the one on the left, participating!) I'm just so excited for her, and I'm so glad she's having a good time. =)
Apparently I don't have a
functional pencil grasp! Lucy holds her pencil funny, so I was trying to look up info on what I should do about it. I guess I hold my pencil funny too! =) I've got the thumb wrap grasp near the bottom. Anybody else hold their pencil funny?
Here are some pictures that the newspaper took at the Starlite Radio CD Release Party. There's one of Milo and me! I had a ton of fun. It was the first concert type thing that I've been to in a while, and it was Milo's first ever! =)
Here is where you can buy the CD (or just ask Shawn). Anyway--it was really fun.

Check it out! I knew barefoot was better! =)val =)
--oh--you know, forgive the evolution references. I was just excited to see an article about how unnatural shoes are. =)
So--I signed Lucy up for a trampoline/tumbling class. I'm really excited. I think she is too. =) We'll see how it goes... I know she'll love it--if she's not too scared to try.
I was a little nervous, because I wasn't sure how things would work with Ruby and Milo there with me while Lucy was in class, but the facilities are really set up for someone like me! =) There is a room off of the gym where we can sit and watch everything that is going on--they even have books and coloring books for ruby to do while Lucy is in class. And--even cooler--attached to the gym is a showroom for a wooden swing set company. They have a bunch of swing sets set up that kids can play on! So--Ruby can even play on the swing sets and we can watch Lucy's class from there, without being disruptive or anything. =) And everyone was so friendly! And (so far) there's only 4 kids in the class--which sounds like the perfect number of kids. =) so--I'm excited. Lucy picked out her leotard already and everything. =)
It starts on Tuesday, and I'm really hoping that it goes well. Lucy's excited about the trampoline, and the leotard, but she got pretty nervous when she figured out that I don't actually come to class with her.
So--yeah. I'll let you know how it goes!
love ya,